Pau Arnos-5th round FSBK’23

15-16 july


In the 1st race, in the youngest category of the Championship, the victory was achieved by the rider Matteo BERGER #42 (Moto Club Du Circuit d’Albi), followed by Gabriel PIO #11 (Racing Mob Creusotin) second and Florian FRANCOIS #12 (Saint Joseph Motorcycle Club), third.

In Sunday’s race, the riders exchanged positions on the podium, between 1st and 2nd, and LACHUEZE managed to get on the podium, so the final classification was:

1º – Gabriel PIO #11 (Racing Mob Creusotin)

2º – Florian FRANCOIS #12 (Moto Club de Saint Joseph)

3º – Soane LACHIEZE #93 (Union Motocycliste de L’Ain)


Quiet race until the last lap, when the leading riders went wheel to wheel to achieve victory.

The rider Henri MIGNOT #78 (Association Moto Seloncourt), climbed to the first step of the podium. Second David DA COSTA #72 (Activbike) and third Axel DA SILVA #15 (Pôle Mécanique Moto Club).

On Sunday, it was a heart-stopping race in the final laps, just as it happened in race 1.

Henri MIGNOT took the victory again, followed again by DA COSTA 2nd and DA SILVA 3rd.

Congratulations to all the riders with a BeOn motorbike!

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